Saturday, August 26, 2006

2 miles gone, 998 to go

Finally arrived at lands end after 5 hours on the train. Got so bored at one point that I decided to take some photos of the train spotting nerds who were taking photos of the train. Am having a wee technical hitch in uploading photos onto the blog, will get it fixed soon.

As expected on a bank holiday weekend lands end is packed out, really busy. Had the obligatory photos taken and then rode a couple of miles down the road to Sennen. Staying in the Old Success Inn which is reasonably nice - but right on the sea front - my (albeit compact) room looks out onto a lovely sandy bay.

It also looks out onto out first challenge of tomorrow, out the door and straight into what looks like a 1 in 6 hill. Lovely.

Had really fantastic fish and chips for dinner tonight. Best fish ever had, melt in the mouth stuff.

Guess the pace of life is a little more relaxed here - asked what time breakfast is tomorrow - it starts at 8.30am - I'm normally a good hour or so down the road by then. Oh well, never mind.


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